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Apr.1,2024 We moved to a new laboratory.
Apr.21,2022 Minoru Fujino, Jun Fukuda, Hirohisa Isogai, Tetsuro Ogaki, Shiro Mawatari, Atsushi Takaki*, Chikako Wakana and Takehiko Fujino,
Orally Administered Plasmalogens Alleviate Negative Mood States and Enhance Mental Concentration: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial,
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, accepted.
Mar.23,2020 We reduced the capital to 10 million yen.
Sep.25,2019 Our company's CTO Takaki appeared on the NHK program (Japanese).
Jun.29,2017 The page was updated.
Aug.9,2015 We were published in the column of JOBKULMAGAZINE.
Sep.16,2014 We exhibited our new 8-oxo-dG assay kit (prototype) to "MEDICAL FAIR ASIA 2014" in Singapore.
  8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxo-dG)

  Four bases (adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine) encode all the genetic information on a double strand of DNA. The common base pairing is A:T and G:C. However, even under stable conditions, a typical oxidized deoxyguanosine (dG), which is known as 8-oxo-dG, can be directly generated on the DNA sequence or near the DNA by hydroxyl radicals, with constant probability. As a result, if dG is replaced by 8-oxo-dG, a G:C ⇒ T:A transversion occurs with high probability. Constant changes in the base code may promote the diversification and evolution of the organism.

  Besides the oxidative metabolic process, toxic chemicals & metals, and radiation including ultraviolet and radioactive rays are considered to be inducers of hydroxyl radicals. A change in genetic code contributes to, but is sometimes the definitive factor in, diseases such as cancer, arteriosclerosis in multiple organs, Alzheimerfs disease, apoptosis, and pathophysiological changes of aging. The GO index indicates the risk of individual and epidemiological survival.

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